Toen Oscar de trap aan de onderkant wou gaan afwerken,
kreeg hij opeens een goed idee!
When Oscar was going to finish underneath the stairs,
he had a great idea!
Een kast onder de trap voor bijvoorbeeld de stofzuiger!
A closet under the stairs to store the vacuum cleaner!
Het was een zware klus.
It was a difficult project.
Maar aan het eind van de dag hadden ze een mooie en handige kast!
But at the end of the day they had a wonderful and convenient closet!
Maar nog geen stofzuiger ;-)
But not yet a vacuum cleaner ;-)
Could you send Oscar over to help me??? Oh... I've already asked this in my last comment you say and I should know better in the meantime... okay... *sigh* But Oscar is such a clever chap - a great idea to use the space under the stairs. And about the vacuum cleaner - as long as Oscar is still having ideas it's not needed. But whenever they get one there's a great place waiting for it.
Hi Margriet! Oscar is so smart and helpful! I wish I had an "Oscar" helping me at my place! LOL! I have always loved seeing little closets under the stairs... we had one for boots and coats when I was Little... I think this will be the perfect place for the vacuum cleaner! It looks wonderful! And I love all the other work he has done on the stairs and the hall.... he is a real Pro! (I guess I will need to get in line for borrowing Oscar!) :)
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